Chrome Oxide Music Collectors Pages - logo and link to site map

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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 11/08/2023

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[What's New (this page)]
[Intro - Reference Library]
[CDI on CD-ROM] [Billboard/Phonolog Music Reference Library] [Surf This Disc (the Rykodisk Catalog)] [Multimedia Encyclopedia of Rock n' Roll - The 60's] [Billboard Music Guide] [Corel All Music Guide] [Record File]
[Reviews/Lists] [Blues In Britain] [Rockin' Croydon] [London Live] [Rip It Up] [Rock Family Trees] [Rock Art / Posters] [Vinyl Collectables] [Rock On The Radio] [Rock In Movies] [Bootlegs]
PRINT MEDIA the bands
[Duane Allman] [Beatles] [Jeff Beck] [Roy Buchanan] [Buffalo Springfield] [Eric Clapton] [Cream] [Jimi Hendrix] [Peter Green] [Jethro Tull] [Led Zeppelin] [Rolling Stones] [Ten Years After] [Who] [Yardbirds] [Other Reference Material Links]
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WHAT's NEW (this page)
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What's new on this page?

If you see the date changing on this page, without an announcement in this section, it is probably something like fixing minor coding problems, spelling errors, minor layout changes, new page on this site (so I changed bottom index), ... Any major changes to this page, will be announced here.

July 18, 2005. I just noticed that the ezBoard message board that I had set up for this web site had been deleted. Since restoration of the deleted conference is only available to subscribers to their service, and since the activity was relatively light, I not planning on looking for another message board. If you do think a message board is worth while, or you have a message board that you like, let me know and I may promote it here. As always you can contact me here.

November 8, 2004. I just acquired a copy of Jeff's Book - A Chronology Of Jeff Beck's Career, 1965-1980. This book is a day by day account of Jeff Beck's career, with details of live performances, studio sessions, media appearances, and other events in his life.

January 21, 2003. I just acquired a copy of In Session Tonight - The Complete Radio 1 Recordings, a book about BBC Radio, the people involved, the details of the recording sessions, ...

December 8, 2002. I just received my copy of Rockin' Croydon, an extensive book covering rock, folk, blues and jazz in and around the Croydon area (England).

December 25, 2001. Backbeat Books has started sending me books that are of interest to the music fan and collector. See my write up of John Bonham - A Thunder Of Drums, Rip It Up - Rock & Roll Rulebreakers and Roy Buchanan - American Axe.

June 18, 2001. I just received my copy of the revised Crossfire Publications book, Yardbirds - The Ultimate Rave-Up by Greg Russo. It contains substantially more information than before about live shows, recording dates, ... It also has a number of reproductions of live show advertisments, band photos, ... The book is available for $23.95 + $3.00 shipping from:
Crossfire Publications
P.O.Box 20406
Floral Park, NY 11002-0406

I received special thanks on page 2 and 234. And on page 3, this web site is listed as one of the other important Yardbirds related websites. It also mentions that this site is permitted/AUTHORIZED to reproduce the Yardbirds concert and recording information.

May 31, 2001. I just bought The Great Rock Discography (5th edition) (listed in the Reviews section).

May 20, 2001. I just purchased London Live. This is an interestering overview of the club scene in London, from the early 1950s to the late 1970s.

March 10, 2001. It looks like I may have been premature in moving to a new web hosting site. I just found out that whenever is having hardware or software problems with their servers, they put up a message for the webmaster that their site is in violation of terms, and the web site has been deleted (instead of a message about system problems and try again later). Anyway, I believed when they said they deleted my account, so I will be moving, and making my new home on the web.

March 10, 2001. As long as I am moving my entire site, I decided to make a few changes to the layout of the individual pages, and the web site in general, including (but not limited to) I removed the counter, and moved the listings of mirror sites to the bottom of the page, ...

March 6, 2001. Sometime between March 1 to March 5, 2001 Tripod deleted my account/web site. The last stats Tripod gave me were 9,000+ visitors per month. Since my site is so popular, I have decided to keep it going, in spite of this major setback. But rather than trying to build up another free web site, and possibly deal with this problem again, I decided go with to host the new

January 23, 2001. I just received a book on Cream published Balafon Books and written by Chris Welch. Check it out in my section for print media on Cream.

October 31, 2000. The new Chrome Oxide Music Collectors Pages Message Board is provided by EZBoard.

October 31, 1999. There used to be a complete listing of all the bands featured on this site at the bottom of each page on this site. The complete band list has now been moved to the Site Map.

Back in June 1997 when I started this site, the index at the bottom of the page seemed like a good idea. Due to the amazing growth of this site, I now think that the Site Map is a better way to do it.

I will continue to list the featured band of the month at the bottom of each page on this site.

December 3, 2002 CD Now is undergoing changes, and asked that ALL links be removed.
October 28, 1999 I signed up with CD Now.

October 22, 1999. The Chrome Oxide Music Collector Pages web site hit the big time! And I didn't even know it.

Tripod stats showed that this web site had more than 4,000 unique visitors last month (September 1999). Because of that, Tripod has increased my web space from 11mb to 50mb.

September 24, 1999. I just purchased For What It's Worth - The Story Of Buffalo Springfield. A very informative book on the band and what was going on.

July 15, 1999. I just picked up Rock Record 7 (book) and Record File v4.1 (software). They are very comprehensive listings of performers and recordings. I like them a lot, and recommend them highly. Additional information on the book, and software can be found at The Ultimate Record Collection. If you do decide to buy either one, tell them Chrome Oxide sent you.

May 21, 1999. On the advice of legal counsel, we have now added a copyright notice, and legal disclaimer to the bottom of each page on this web site.

March 31, 1999. I recently picked up 35th Anniversary Whisky-A-Go-Go 1999 Poster Calendar which is a nice, small calendar with copys of many posters used throughout the years at the Whisky, as well as listings for the first time many bands played at this venue.

March 31, 1999. I started a new section on this page, Classifieds. Now, if someone is interesed in putting an ad here, or I find something I think is worthwhile, there is a place for it.

March 16, 1999. Thanks to a recent visitor to this page, we now have a logo for the Chrome Oxide Music Collectors Pages, as well as a new background and seperator bars. There may be additional changes to look forward to as well.

October 11, 1998. I bought a book on Jethro Tull. It also covers the musical activities of many current and former members of the band.

September 27, 1998. I bought a couple more reference books today. Hollywood Rock is in the Rock In Movies section, and The Great Rock Discography is in the Reviews section.

March 30, 1998. This page. :-)

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When I find a performer that I like, I normally want to be able to find out what else they have done musically. This page is devoted to the material I use to help me find that out.

The more I read about music, the more amazed I get that anything listenable actually gets released. There seems to be a few common stories with all bands.

The management/record label wants:
    one or more members of the band to dump the rest of the band and go solo.

The management/record label doesn't want:
    the band members to play on the record.
    the band members to write songs for the record.
    the band members to decide how the record should be mixed/sound.

The management/record label thinks they own the name of the band, and therefore can hire/fire anyone they want, without talking with the band.

I would be interested in finding out what you use, and what you think about it. And if you like it, if it is still available, and where it can be found.

I am also interested in getting wider exposure for this site. So links from your site to mine would be appreciated. And if you know of any sites that allow/encourage submission, I would also appreciate knowing about them as well.

Do you have any articles, books, albums, tapes, CDs, ... on this band that you would like reviewed and / or integrated into this page?

Do you have any other band that you would like to see a page for on this site?

Please send to:

Chrome Oxide
P.O.Box 8106
Mission Hills, CA 91346-8106

Chrome Oxide
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CDI on CD-ROM copyright 1995


CDI International
P.O.Box 22014
Milwaukie, OR 97269
voice: (503) 652-1291
  fax: (503) 653-6917

1995 Second Edition
type     # listings
-------  ----------
artist    64,558
title    204,803
song     345,562
catalog  468,059
I am currently using the 1995 second edition. Although I have been able to find mistakes, this is a fairly nice DOS search engine that allows you to look for something by Artist, Album Title, Song and catalog number. And each Album listing tries to include the songs, musicians, and worldwide availability of the album. It does try to include all music, wether currently in print or not. Even though this is a DOS database and search engine, it uses VGA graphics mode to get more information on the screen than a plain DOS text mode would allow for.

system requirements:
VGA 640x480x16
2x CD-ROM+
MS-DOS 5.0+

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COMPUTER MEDIA - Billboard/Phonolog
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Billboard/Phonolog Music Reference Library January 1994 edition. Copyright 1994

Search functions are:
Song Title:
Album Title:
Guest Artist:

Lists (where known) all of the above information on any album in its database.

system requirements:
I bought this used, and it came with no documentation of any kind. The main executable is a DOS program that is 305K in size. And since it has no graphics, and uses a vary plain text interface, my guess for system requirements are:

640K ram
CD-Rom drive

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Surf This Disc (the Rykodisk Catalog), copyright 1995

Music, video, and text information on rykodisc's 200+ artists and 500+ titles.


system requirements:
VGA 640x480x256
2x CD-ROM+
Sound Card
Windows 3.x+ (includes Win 95)

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COMPUTER MEDIA - Multimedia Encyclopedia of Rock n' Roll - The 60's
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Multimedia Encyclopedia of Rock n' Roll - The 60's Copyright 1994

603 Park Point Drive, Suite 110
Golden, CO 80401
voice: (303) 526-7600
fax: (303) 526-7395

I purchased this in a bargin bin, at a blow out price. Now I know why.

There no printed instructions to do the install. In fact, there is no documentation of any kind with this product. I tried running the setup program that comes with the CD. It doesn't do anything useful other than create a program group and icon for you. However, you are somehow supposed to know that the icon it creates doesn't work, and you should read the readme file on the CD. After making the requested changes, it still doesn't work. It complains that it can't write to drive ,.. And then complains that there are too many files open, and that it cannot find any database files. All the .DBF files are on the CD, however, for some reason, they are all hidden files.

Bottom line. I can't get it to run on my system.

system requirements:
Windows 3.x+ (includes Win 95)
30MB free hard drive
2x CD-ROM+
Sound Card

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COMPUTER MEDIA - Billboard Music Guide
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Billboard Music Guide copyright 1996

This came with no documentation. It said on the CD that it was a Windows CD, but it wouldn't install on my Win 3.1 machine. But since it only cost $5.00 at the local computer swap meet, I figure I can hold on to it until I get a machine capable of running it.

The install.inf file came with a couple of URLs that are probably worth investigating.

HomePage and ShoppingPage

Billboard Music Guide copyright 1997 (SoftKey)

This did come with some documentation, and I was able to get it working. However, the 800 number for online registration was disconnected with no new number available.

Has a search function.

This version owned by The Learning Company

Breakdown by style of music.
60,000 album listings
4,000 artist listings
38,000 album reviews
8,000 album covers
900 photographs
1,000 audio clips
Billboard 200 charts from 1956-1995
Billboard and Musicain articles and interviews

system requirements:
8MB RAM+ (16MB suggested)
VGA 640x480x256
2x CD-ROM+
Sound Card
Windows 3.1+ (includes Win 95)

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COMPUTER MEDIA - Corel All Music Guide
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Corel All Music Guide copyright 1997

Requires Win 95 machine. I don't currently have a Win 95 machine. But I do plan on putting one together in the near future.

This product was only $20.00, so I figured I would pick it up while I can, and play with it later once I get my Win 95 machine working.

910,000 song listings
195,000 album listings
Biographies and discographies of 128,000+ artists and 29,000+ groups
850+ photographs
40+ audio interviews

Corel HomePage

Today (April 5, 1998) I was in a computer store, and it looks like this product has changed ownership. New Owner appears to be:

I. Hoffman & Associates
voice: (888) 464-5652 sales
voice: (416) 977-6732 sales
voice: (416) 977-2368 tech support
  fax: (416) 977-0766
system requirements:
Windows 95
VGA 640x480x256
2x CD-ROM+
8-bit Sound Blaster Compatible
3MB free hard drive space

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COMPUTER MEDIA - Record File 4/RockRom 7
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Terry Hounsome Record Researcher Home Page

RockRom 10 was released on July 2004.

RockRom 9.5 was released on December 14, 2003.

Record File has been replaced by RockRom (now at v9.0). Terry Hounsome (the creator/maintainor/updator/...) e-mailed me to rerquest an updated listing on my web site.

While I don't have a copy of the new software (Terry, how about a review copy), I have been happy with the older books and software. Has anyone else tried the software? Care to leave me some feedback?

1,360,000 song listings
640,000 album listings
572,200 artist listings

You can order the software (and database) at:

Record File 4 (The Ultimate Record Collection) copyright 1999

Requires some variant of Windows, if Win 3.1, you will need the 32bit file access.

???,000 song listings
???,000 album listings
???,000 artist listings

The book contains at least 15,000+ artists, 115,000+ recordings, 250,000+ musicians. The software contains all the above, as well as song listings for a lot of the albums listed.

Like the book, I think this is VERY useful resource for the dedicated collector who might want to look up some musical item not in their collection.

One feature I like, is that you can make corrections to the included database. Like any massive undertaking of this nature, it is impossible to be 100% complete or accurate. Now you can integrate your changes with the supplied database. And if you choose to submit your changes to the author/publisher, the revised version of the software will be that much better for you as well as everyone else who uses it.

When showing this product to an interested friend, his comments were: the foreground and background colors might be improved for ease of reading, and that the screens were not easy to use/intuitive.

My friend is not a sophisticated computer user, but I think he could learn to use the program without too much difficulty in a reasonable period of time.

The only similar program I have seen is by CDI International, and it is substantially more expensive, the screen display is not as well laid out, and is a little more awkward to use.

Additional information on the book, and software can be found at Record Researcher. If you do decide to buy either one, tell them Chrome Oxide sent you.

Terry Hounsome
Rock Researcher Publications
voice/fax: (44) (0) 1239 654414

system requirements:
Windows 3.1 or higher (95, 98, NT)
??x CD-ROM+
no sound card required
?MB free hard drive space

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All Music Guide To Rock - The Best CDs, albums & tapes - Rock, Pop, Soul, R&B and Rap. Edited By Michael Erlewine, Vladimir Bogdanov, and Chris Woodstra with Stephen Thomas Erlewine, Richie Unterberger, and William Ruhlmann
Published By Miller Freeman Books. Copyright 1995. 974 pages. Paperback.

2,500 performers, 15,500 recordings. Extensive reviews of many bands and many albums. Written by many reviewers. If you are not familiar with a band, this is a reasonable way to decide if it is worth furthur research.

Christgau's Record Guide - Rock Albums Of the 70s (with a selection of the best records from the '50s to the '80s) Review and Graded by Villlage Voice Critic Robert Christgau.
3,000 recordings. Only album reviews, NOT band reviews, and all by the same writer. This gives a consistancy that multiple writers may not have.

The Great Rock Discography (third edition) by M.C.Strong
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1996. 950 pages. Hardbook (oversize).

1000 major rock artists, This discography of rock artists and groups includes albums, B-sides, 45s, EPs, LPs, ... Each artist starts with a brief bio of the band, and then moves on to the extensive discographies which include every track on every original release album listed in this book. They also mention putting the entire database on line at music is what i require.

The Great Rock Discography (fifth edition) by M.C.Strong
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 2000. 1109 pages. Softcover (oversize).

1000+ major rock artists, and, 1000+ sub-entries. Each artist/band starts off with a brief bio, listing members, evolution of the band, song writers, cover tunes, ... before going onto list each 45 (with b-side), albums (complete track listing for each original album), ... along with the original date of release. Cutoff date for inclusion in this book, is December 31, 1999. Martin Strong also mentions putting the entire database on line at (where you can also buy the books).

Lillian Roxon's Rock Encyclopedia Compile by Ed Naha
Published by Grosset & Dunlap. Copyright 1978. 565 pages. Paperback.

Reviews of bands with brief discussions of albums. All albums listed have complete song lists, and 45s are also listed (all with date of release). I find this useful for trying to get a perspective on what was released and when.

Rock Record - 7th Edition by Terry Hounsome
Published by Rock Researcher Publications. Copyright 1997. ??? pages. Paperback (oversize).

This has absolutely NO comentary on the bands or albums. It is a reference work for someone that wants to look up a performer or album.

15,000+ artists, 115,000+ recordings, 250,000+ musicians. This is a listing of every known band and every known album (vinyl and CD). It is also a listing of who played on each album and what instruments they played. It also lists the record label and catalog number for all known countries. This is a very comprehensive listing.

I have used the 3rd edition for a number of years.

These are very comprehensive listings of performers and recordings. I like them a lot, and recommend them highly. Additional information on the book, and software can be found at The Ultimate Record Collection. If you do decide to buy either one, tell them Chrome Oxide sent you.

The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll Edited by Jon Pareles and Patricia Romanowski
Published by Rolling Stone Press. Copyright 1982. 615 pages. Paperback.

1,300 artists. Reasonable listing of many bands (with some detail of members), and most of their albums. Reviews of bands, with brief mentions of some of the albums.

The Trowser Press Record Guide - Fourth Edition Edited by Ira Robbins
Published by Collier Books. Copyright 1991. 763 pages. Paperback.

2,500 artists, 9,500 recordings reviewed. Multiple reviewers. Instead of trying to cover ALL rock and roll, they decided to focus on punk/new wave/alternative which started in 1976-1977 with Sex Pistols, ....

The Trouser Press Guide To '90s Rock - Fifth Edition Edited by Ira Robbins
Published by Fireside Books. Copyright 1997. 846 pages. Paperback.

2,300 artists, 8,500 recordings reviewed. Multiple reviewers. Some older bands were dropped, some newer bands were added. Focus is still punk/new wave/alternative/...

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Blues In Britain - The History - 1950s to the Present by Bob Brunning
Published by Blandford Press. Copyright 1985. 288 pages. Paperback.

Bob Brunning was the first bassist for Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac. He also was in a number of other bands, so he speaks from personal knowledge on a lot of the musicians covered in this book.

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Rockin' Croydon By Chris Groom
Published By Wombeat Publishing. Copyright 1998. 224 pages. Paperback.

Subtitled: Rock, Folk, Blues & Jazz in & around the Cryodon Area 1960 - 1980

This is a two part book.

The first half of the book is interviews or articles about people (musicians, bookers, promoters, ...) and venues (ABC Cinema, Star Hotel, Orchid Ballroom, Fairfield Halls, ...) associated with Croydon. Many of the local folks names were not familiar to me, but there were a few names I recognized (David Bowie, Captain Sensible, ...).

The other half of the book is a detailed daily listing of all the lives shows from 1960 - 1980. Included with the live show listings, are reviews of many of the higher profile bands that played there. It turns out I have a few albums/CDs that were recorded live at various venus in Croydon.

To me, Croydon is not a city that I think of when I think of areas that contributed in a major way to music. But what makes the book valuable to me is that there were some interesting people that came from Croydon. And there were a large number of well known acts did pass through (everything from AC/DC to Zombies).

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London Live By Tony Bacon
Published By Miller Freeman Books. Copyright 1999. 192 pages. Paperback.

Subtitled: The Inside Story of Live Bands in the Capital's Trail-Blazing Music Clubs

This is an interesting overview of the various night clubs in London, from the early 1950s (jazz, skiffle, ...) to the late 1970s (punk, ...). It includes brief explainations of how the various clubs got started, including who started them, how they got started, description of the clubs, bands that played there, ... There are maps of the area showing the location of the clubs. Copies of some of the newspaper advertisments, album jackets of live shows recorded in the clubs, band photos, brief interviews, ... And finally, there is an alphabetical and date order index of (just about) every band that played at the Marquee (at its' three different locations over the years).

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Rip It Up - Rock & Roll Rulebreakers By Denise Sullivan
Published by Backbeat Books. Copyright 2001. 269 pages. Softback (oversize).

This is a collection of articles about musicians who created music the way they wanted to, and thus weren't always popular, but were influential to people who care about music. Each article also has a brief timeline of the performer, a selection of recordings to look for, a photo or two, quotes from the performers, ...

The performers covered include: Camper Van Beethoven, Teenage Fan Club, Kinks, Sparks, Louvin Brothers, Shonen Knife, Julie and Buddy Miller, Chuck Prophet and Stephanie Finch, Tom Verlaine, Elvis Costello, Talking Heads, Peter Case, U. Utah Phillips, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Wanda Jackson, Ike Turner, The Crickets, Ann Magnuson, Spiritualized and Julian Cope.

While I am not familiar with all the performers covered in the book, the ones I am familiar with (Kinks (Ray and Dave Davies), Television (Tom Verlaine), Plimsouls (Peter Case), Sparks, Elvis Costello and Talking Heads), I am in total agreement. So, when the opportunity arises, I will be checking out some of the performers that I wasn't already familiar with.

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The Complete Rock Family Trees (Book 1 & 2)
Written, Researched, Drawn by Pete Frame
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1979, 1983 and 1993. 60 pages.

60 music groupings, involving 100s of musicians. Original family trees drawn on 36" by 25" inch paper, and reduced for book publication. This is an amazing book with a lot of detail on many bands from the '60s, '70s and '80s. Pete Frame traced many musicians though various bands they performed with during their careers (up until completition time of the book). I recommend this book to anyone interested in rock music. Some of his family trees have been used in commercial releases of albums, and other others have used his layout even when not using his source material.

Anyone interested in any of the bands listed MUST get this book!

More Rock Family Trees
Written, Researched, Drawn by Pete Frame
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1998. 32 pages.

Same style presentation as prior book, but lots more bands covered. If you like rock, then you will probably find something in the one of these books that you can't live without.

The Beatles And Some Other Guys Rock Family Trees Of The Early Sixties
Written, Researched, Drawn by Pete Frame
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1997. 32 pages.

Most of these groups are English late 50s, early 60s groups that didn't make much of a chart impression in America. However, it does have a few (Beatles, Them, Rod Stewart, ...) that make this yet another book in this series that is worth checking out.

Family Of Rock 140 Rock Family Trees available as signed and numbered limited edition prints or posters

Family Of Rock the blog

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The Art Of The Fillmore - The Poster series 1966 - 1971
Writter: Gayle Lemke, Art Research Editor Jacaeber Kastor
Published by Acid Test Productions. Copyright 1997. 240 pages. Hardback.

Poster books the way they should be. Larger size format, with extensive detail on not only the artist who created the various posters, but information about when the posters were drawn. This makes the book useful for tracking down when a performer appeared at the various venues as well.

The Art Of Rock - A Spectular Visual And Oral History
Writter: Paul D. Grushkin, Artworks Photographed by Jon Sievert
Published by Artabras. Copyright 1987. 516 pages. Hardback.

Poster books the way they should be. Larger size format, with extensive detail on not only the artist who created the various posters, but information about when the posters were drawn. This makes the book useful for tracking down when a performer appeared at the various venues as well.

Get On Down - A Decade Of Rock And Roll Posters Edited By Mick Farren
Published By Big O Publishing. Copyright 1976. 95 pages. Softback.

Oversized book of color photos of about 70 color posters from 1966 - 1976. Not much information on any of the posters (other than copyright owners), but an interesting selection of oversized photos of posters. This is not a necessary part of any collection. But it is nice to have some fairly large size reproductions of some posters.

35th Anniversary Whisky-A-Go-Go 1999 Poster Calendar By Dennis Loren
Published by Electric Posters. Copyright 1999. 14 pages. Softback.

This undersized calendar (slightly larger than a standard CD jewel case) is a standard calendar with (mostly) 2 posters per month, and brief quotes from the original performers, or people who were there at the time. Not useful as a calendar as each day has a listing of the first time various bands played at the Whisky-A-Go-Go from January 16, 1964 to January 16, 1999.

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Rare Rock - A Collectors' Guide by Tony Rees
Published by Blandford Press. Copyright 1985. 352 pages. Paperback.

300 artists, 18,000 items. Strictly covers vinyl (45, EP, LP). Covers rare commercial release, radio station only, album covers, rare tracks, ...

Some item listings have explainations why rare, others don't. Some were obvious, some not. Sometimes rumours are mentioned. Not for the casual collector.

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(p8) In Session Tonight - The Complete Radio 1 Recordings By Ken Garner
Published By BBC Books. Copyright 1993. 320 pages. Paperback.

The first 200 pages are a narrative which talks about who was involved with BBC Radio, how they got started, how it worked, who did what, ... It includes photos (of people, places, ...), quotes from people involved, ...

It also explains how radio in England worked in those days, how the union worked, and why BBC Radio did record so many bands. The last 100 pages, is a listing, in small print, of:
band or artist name
first broadcast date
programme name
song titles
band line-up
recording date
studio name and location
... furthur details
any thing else of interest
which tracks were commercially released

Unfortunately, this book has been out of print for a while, and therefor quite expensive. I enjoyed the book, and think it is a good addition to any one with more than a passing interest in BBC sessions, or the dedicated collector wanting to find details of the sessions of their favorite bands.

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Rock On Film by David Ehrenstein and Bill Reed
Published by Delilah Books. Copyright 1982. 275 pages. Paperback.

483 films, 75 photos. The book starts with a fairly interesting 100 page commentary on "Rock On Film". The rest of the book then lists the movies, with all the main production credits, including rock music related info. It also includes brief reviews of all the movies listed. This is useful, because not all rock music recorded for movies was ever released on soundtrack albums.

Hollywood Rock - A Guide to Rock'n'Roll in the Movies by Marshall Crenshaw
Published by HarperPerennial. Copyright 1994. 350 pages. Paperback.

300 films, photos. The book starts with a 250 page section detailing movies with all the expected movie information, as well as listings of each song, and who performed it. It has another 50+ pages of one and two paragraph mentions of other movies of interest.

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Bootleg - The Secret History Of The Other Recording Industry By Clinton Heylin.
Published By St. Martin's Press. Copyright 1994. 441 pages. Hardback.

Stories about the industry, including interviews, ... This book is of interest to anyone that is curious about how and why people release bootlegs.

Hot Wacks Book XV - The Last by ????.
Published by The Hot Wacks Press. Copyright 1992. 802 pages. Paperback.

This is a very useful book for finding out what has been in print at any time. Unfortunately, you will notice that most bootlegs are sadly missing recording detail of any kind. With bootlegs, you are lucky if they have an artist name, and song titles. However, sometimes they do have recording date, location, members of the band, ...

It is not a catalog for ordering bootlegs. :-(

Since bootlegs seem to go in and out of print with incredible speed, I wish you luck in finding anything mentioned in it. However, you have a better chance of finding something that you know exists, then if you don't know it exists.

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GRAPHIC IMAGE 'Skydog - The Duane Allm an Story' cover

Skydog - The Duane Allman Story by Randy Poe
Published by Backbeat Books. Copyright 2006. 309 pages. Hardback.

For anyone who enjoys Duane Allman's music, and wants to know about the man, Skydog is a good read. This book starts with his early days learning how to play. It goes on to cover the management and record labels that don't understand or care for what Duane Allman wants to do. It continues with Duane rebelling against that, and doing what he enjoys, until labels and management that do like what he is doing give him a chance. Finally success, both in the studio and on the road with the Allman Brothers Band. The book also includes some information about what else was happening while Duane was growing up and developing as a performer.

Skydog doesn't end with his death. It goes on to briefly tell what has happened to many of the people he worked with when he was alive.

Skydog includes a number of black and white pictures. For the gearheads, there is a chapter on the different guitars Duane used. For the researchers, the reference section includes listings of books, articles and liner notes used in writing this book. The audio collector, the discography only includes the original recordings (band work and session work) and their releases (no re-releases).

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A Day In The Life - The Beatles Day-By-Day - 1960-1970 by Tom Schultheiss
Published by Pierian Press. Copyright 1980. 335 pages. Hardback.

A synthesis of multiple other books about the Beatles. But it takes all the other information, tries to iron out the inconsistancies (which this book explains is near impossible), and put them all into a chronological order.

You Can't Do That - Beatles Bootlegs and Novelty Records by Charles Reinhart
Published by Contemporary Books. Copyright 1981. 431 pages. Paperback.

890 bootlegs, 394 noveltys. Explainations and details are included for all recordings. Indexes for all detail aincluding song name, recording title, performer, label, topical, ...

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Jeff's Book - A Chronology Of Jeff Beck's Career, 1965-1980 by Christopher Hjort and Doug Hinman
Published by Rock'n'Roll Research Press. Copyright 2000. 240 pages. Softback.

This book is a day by day account of Jeff Beck's career (various bands, and solo work), with details of live performances, studio sessions, media appearances, and other events in his life. Included are small section of photos, magazine and newspaper ads for live performances, details of studio releases and commentary on various phases of Jeff Beck's career. Appendices cover: other Guitarists on Jeff Beck, gear, live performances index, media appearances index, recording sessions index, bibliography and sources.

This is a heavily researched book, and a very interesting reading for anyone interested in Jeff Beck's highly varied musical career.

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Roy Buchanan - American Axe by Phil Carson
Published by Backbeat Books. Copyright 2001. 282 pages. Softback.

This book goes into details of Roy Buchanan's life both before and during his days as a musician. It discusses the various bands he worked with/led, his musical influences, as well as people who were influenced by him. It discusses external problems (record industry executives) as well as internal problems (self destructive behavior-drinking/drugs). Over the course of the book, it also discusses various recording sessions, and mentions which records are worth listening to all the way through, as well as the ones that are marginal. The book also includes a few photos of Roy over the years, quotes from interviews of Roy and others, a discography and bibliography.

For anyone that liked Roy Buchanan, or anyone interested in the struggles involved in trying to be a musician, this is a book worth reading.

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For What It's Worth - The Story Of Buffalo Springfield by John Einarson and Richie Furay.
Published by Quarry Press. Copyright 1997. 310 pages.

The story of the original members: Neil Young, Steven Stills, Richie Furay, Bruce Palmer, Dewey Martin, and other people who were part of the band from time to time: Jim Messina, Jim Fielder, Doug Hastings, Ken Koblun.

Where the band members came from, where they went to, the tracks they worked on (released and unreleased). They people they met, that influenced them. The problems they had with management, record label, personality clashes, ...

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Eric Clapton, has been a member of Yardbirds, John Mayall, Cream, Blind Faith, Derek and The Dominos, Delaney Bonnie and Friends, ... solo albums, as well as having done many session jobs.

Eric Clapton - The Eric Clapton Album - 30 Years of Music and Memorabilia by Marc Roberty
Published by Viking Studio Books. Copyright 1994. 224 pages. Hardback.

Lots of b and w and color photos of Eric, and albums, and posters, ... This includes all the tour dates he performed on between 1963-1994. It also has a section on commercial and bootleg recordings, as well as his session work.

Eric Clapton - The Complete Recording Sessions 1963 - 1992 by Marc Roberty
Published by St. Martins Press. Copyright 1993. 192 pages. Hardback.

Listing of all known recording sessions. Including date, location, personnel, ..

Eric Clapton - A Visual Documentary by Marc Roberty
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1986. 96 pages. Paperback.

Not as comprehensive as either of the other two books, but it still lists a fair amounnt of his recording sessions. Including date, location, personnel, ..

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GRAPHIC IMAGE 'Cream - The Legendary Sixties Supergroup' cover

Cream - The Legendary Sixties Supergroup by Chris Welch
Published by Balafon Books. Copyright 2000. 192 pages. Paperback.

This book covers what the individual members were doing before Cream, as well as what was happening while the band existed. It is based (in part) on interviews at the time the band was performing, as well as additional interview done in 2000. Features of the book include: photos of the band, photos of the 45s and albums, original release information, live show listing with brief commentary about some of the shows/sessions.

Disraeli Gears - Cream by John Platt
Published by Schirmer Books. Copyright 1998. 161 pages. Paperback.

Fairly detailed book on Cream's recording history in general, and Disraeli Gears in particular.

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Jimi Hendrix: Sessions - The complete Studio Recording Sessions 1963-1970 by John McDermott with Bill Cox and Eddie Kramer
Published by Little, Brown and Company. Copyright 1995. 196 pages. Hardback.

A listing of every recording session Jimi participated in. There is also a brief discussion about each session. There are also details on completed commercial recordings so you can see how the sessions tied into the releases..

Jimi Hendrix - Concert Files by Tony Brown
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1999. 176 pages. Softback (oversize).

Extensive listing of shows that Jimi Hendrix played, who he played with, set lists, Jimi's on stage comments between songs, eye-witness accounts, photos of Jimi, posters, ticket stubs, ...

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Peter Green - The Biography by Martin Clemins
Published by Castle Communications. Copyright 1995. 229 pages. Paperback.

The book covers Peter's life and career (Fleetwood Mac, earlier bands, session work, later bands and solo work) , as well as what was happening musically at the time. It also includes a very nice 30 page discography and sessionography.

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Minstrels In The Gallery - A History Of Jetro Tull by David Rees
Published by Fire Fly Publishing. Copyright 1998. 218 pages. Paperback.

This book covers Ian Anderson/Jethro Tull from before the band got a record contract, to today. It also covers the activities of many former and current members of the band. It has a fairly extensive live show listing, as well as fairly complete discographies of all the bands associated with former and current members.

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John Bonham - A Thunder Of Drums by Chris Welch and Geoff Nicholls
Published by Backbeat Books. Copyright 2001. 176 pages. Softback (oversize).

A biography of John Bonham, which includes: plenty of photos of John as well as Led Zeppelin, quotes from people who knew him, his early life and influences, ...

One of the things I like about this book, is that Geoff Nicholls, a drummer and writer, analyzes and describes a fair number of songs off of each Led Zeppelin album. I am not a musician, so I was glad to be able to understand a little bit more what roll the drummer plays in a band and what exactly John Bonham was doing and trying to do.

Led Zeppelin: The Concert File by Dave Lewis and Simon Pallett
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1997. 176 pages. Softback (oversize).

Extensive listing of shows that Led Zeppelin played, what bands they opened for, what bands opened for them, what the members were doing before Led Zeppelin as well as bit about what they are doing afterwards. Also included are set lists (where known), eye-witness accounts, photos of the band, posters, ticket stubs, ...

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Heart Of Stone - The Definitive Rolling Stones Discography, 1962-1983 by Felix Aeppli
Published by Perian Press. Copyright 1985. 535 pages. Hardback.

Comprehensive listing of tour dates, and recording studio sessions. Includes who played at each session, what songs played, and what they were released on. Extensive listing of bootlegs. Listings of other bands and solo ventures.

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Alvin Lee & Ten Years After - Visual History by Herb Staehr
Published by Free Street Press. Copyright 2001. 188 pages. Softback (oversize).

The book starts with brief biography of the band and it's members. It then proceeds into the main part, which is the concert chronology (in date order). The concert chronology includes listings for most (?all?) performances, brief discussions of the particulr show (if available) and many photos of the band and the flyers used to advertise the shows. At the end of the book is an album discography (full band and solo projects), video appearances, and a bibliography.

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The Who Concert File by Joe McMichael and 'Irish' Jack Lyons
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1997. 208 pages. Softback (oversize).

This is a listing of the Who's live concerts between 1962 - 1997. This includes radio and T.V. appearances. It does also include studios sessions, but the studio sessions are not comprehensive. There is a brief review/overview at the start of each year. Also reviews/details of occasional live shows during each year. No index.

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Members included Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, who have all gone on to much greater fame and fortune, and many other bands and session work.

Yardbirds by John Platt, Chris Dreja and Jim McCarty.
Published by Sidgwick & Jackson. Copyright 1983. 160 pages. Paperback

Lots of photos and text. Only 2 pages of discographical information.

Yardbirds World # 1 Written And Researched by Richard MacKay, Edited and Compiled by Michael Ober
Published by ?????. Copyright 1989. 110 pages. Softbound

Interviews, text, photos. Some discographical and sessionographical information. Also covers the individuals musical activities since the Yardbirds, including solo and other bands.

Yardbirds World # 2 by Richard MacKay
Published by Yardbirds World. Copyright 19??. 106 pages. Paperbound

Interviews, text, photos. Some discographical and sessionographical information. Also covers the individuals musical activities since the Yardbirds, including solo and other bands.

GRAPHIC IMAGE 'The Ultimate RaveUp - book cover' revised Yardbirds - The Ultimate Rave-Up by Greg Russo
Published by Crossfire Publications Copyright 2001. 288 pages. Softcover.

The expanded/revised book has extended sessionographical information. The book covers ALL the Yardbirds, as well as their solo work, session work, and other bands. It now has a number of band photos, reproductions of concert advertisements, ... The book is available for $23.95 + $3.00 shipping from:
Crossfire Publications
P.O.Box 20406
Floral Park, NY 11002-0406

See also the books on Eric Clapton, which include sections on the Yardbirds.

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Do you have a Reference Material related site? Do you want a link from this page? E-Mail me!

I am also interested in getting wider exposure for this site. So links from your site to mine would be appreciated. And if you know of any sites that allow/encourage submission, I would also appreciate knowing about them as well.

Lysergia psychedelic music, interviews and articles, literature and art
The Acid Archives Of Underground Sounds 1965-1982

Felix Aeppli THE ROLLING STONES Ultimate Guide 1962-2002

Backbeat Books or Backbeat Books or Balafon Books publisher of books about music, musicians and musical instruments.

Borderline Books publisher that specializes in books about music.

Crossroads Music publishers of books on Manfred Mann, Yardbirds, ...

Genesis Publications publishers of limited edition art prints, limited edition books on music (Who, Beatles, ...), ...

Martyn Hanson author of books on Groundhogs, Nice, Emerson Lake and Palmer

Collectors Music Reviews In depth Bootleg News and Reviews, subscribe to HotWacks On-line today (fee based).

Miller Freeman Books publishers of All Music Guide to various kinds of music.

Music Dispatch all things music related (that can be printed).

Nico's Books The Complete Works (Rolling Stones 1962-2005),Taylor-Made Works (Mick Taylor 1964-2005), WoodWorks (Ron Wood 1957-1975)

RedMuze database of UK distributed music.

Rock'n'Roll Research Press publisher of books on Kinks, Jeff Beck, ...

rock's backpages library fee based rresearch for print articles.

The San Francisco East Bay Scene, Garage Bands From The 60's Then And Now (book)

Tour Archive tour archives of bands and venues from the 1960s and 1970s.

TV Tome database of TV episodes (includes lots of information about band appearances on various shows).

OutAsite information about rock bands appearing in television and movies.

Trouser Press Trouser Press Record Guides (online)

Terry Hounsome Record Researcher Home Page RockRom # 10 released July 2004

The Ultimate Record Collection publisher of a book and computerized database of musical performers.

University Of Texas information about Rock'n'Rom database of popular music by Michael Wadleigh

Rocks Back Pages read books, magazine, articles, ... online., The Eric Clapton Fan Club Magazine review of New Book Due In March 2007: "Strange Brew : Eric Clapton and the British Blues Boom 1965-1970"

HARP Magazine review of: The Beatles Unreleased: Music and Film, by Richie Unterberger (book published by Backbeat)

The New York Times Books: A Book Publisher, Beatlemaniacs? Why Don't You Do It on Your Own?

Times Online January 27, 2007 Talking 'bout a cultural revolution - Book Review: Babylon's Burning

13th Floor Elevators Reference File 2nd Edition (book in electronic format)

Take Me To A Circus Tent new book about the Jefferson Airplane book: I Hate the Man Who Runs This Bar! (The Survival Guide for Real Musicians) by Eugene Chadbourne book: Confessions of a Record Producer, 2 Ed: How to Survive the Scams and Shams of the Music Business by Moses Avalon

Times Online With A Head Full Of Hits (The Encyclopedia of Popular Music EPM)

McSweeney's Store book: All Known Metal Bands

California Ballroom, Dunstable, England 1960-1979 information about bands that played.

Swindon Music Scene information on any musician who came from here, or any musician who polayed here.

Tamworth Bands 1960 to 1990 information on bands and venues.

Marmalade Skies information on British psychedelic bands of the 1960s. Incoulding activity on monthly basis from 1966-1975.

The Marquee Club Recovering the memory of 3 decades of jazz, blues & rock in London

Pompey Pop popular music in Portsmouth 1944-1969
Pompey Pop's Blog
Pompey Pop's Pix

Queen Live comprehensive concert information database

Johnny Winter Story timeline

Rock Prosopography 101 performance list and other details.

Rock Archaeology 101

Berkeley In The Sixties

Lost Live Dead Identifying and illuminating live Grateful Dead shows (and shows by band members) that are unknown or poorly documented.

bootlegpedia bootleg discographies of various bands.

Mr. Random Tour Links (links to web sites providing tour information for bands) the setlist wiki

Look At Stubs fee to look Interview: Artist William Stout talks about bootlegs and 'Beatlesongs' (Part 1)

45worlds: Live Music live music listings of concerts, festivals and gigs

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June 29, 2003.
MusicStack looks like a good source of used music items (LPs, CDs, posters, ...).
As always, let me know what you think.

4 Million Hard to Find CDs & LPs at MusicStack
December 10, 2002.
Back in October 1999 I put up links to CD-Now so that visitors could easily link to the related band pages and instantly see which items were still in print/available for purchase. CD-Now no longer has that option. For the moment I am putting in search boxes. doesn't easily allow for links to individual band pages in the same way that CD-Now used to. So, instead of me being able to create direct links, I have put up the search box instead. So you can still go to a page with the various bands products, buy you now need to go through a search box.

As always, let me know what you think.

April 22, 2002.
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December 3, 2002 CD Now is undergoing changes, and asked that ALL links be removed.
October 28, 1999 I signed up with CD Now.

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