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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 06/08/2024
CHROME OXIDE: WRITER Public AppearancesUnder the pen name of Chrome Oxide I write humorous science fiction and fantasy. However, I've been accused of writing murder mysteries since I murder the English language and it's a mystery how I get published.
When people ask why I write what I do, I explain that my reality check bounced.
Since we should write what we know, does writing science fiction make me a space cadet?
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Santa Clarita Valley Book Festival - June 8, 2024
Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center
College of the Canyons
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Tentative Schedule
9:45 am: Music
10:00 am - 5:00pm don't forget to visit author tables
10:00 am: Welcome
10:05 am: Mayor Cameron Smyth greeting
10:05 am: COC President Dianne Van Hook
10:25 am: CalArts President Ravi Rajan
10:45 - 11:30. Keynote Speaker: Tracy Taris -"From Doubt-To-First Draft: Overcoming Creative Anxiety in your Writing Journey"
11:30: 15 minute break (don't forget to visit author tables)
11:45 Author Panel 1 - Chase Dimock, Sarah Burns, Fred Bobola, Cul de Sac Literary Magazine with Moderator Ruth Rassool
12:30 Lunch - Food trucks and music (don't forget to visit author tables)
1:00 pm: Presentations/Sessions
1. Inspiration to Getting Your Work Done - Greg Hayes - Writing About a Legend: Coach John Wooden, A Hero Who Wouldn’t Disappoint
2. Young Audiences - Writing for Children and Teens
- Dorothy Deene - Writing a YA Novel: From Self to Traditional Publishing
- Kacey Powell - How to Write a Children’s Book
3. Writing for Audible - Sarah Burns
1:45 - 15 minute break (don't forget to visit author tables)
2:00 pm: Presentations/Sessions
1. Young Adult Reading - Alessandro Concas - Young Authors Spotlight: Reading and Q&A
2. Navigating AI - Reza Rassool - AI and Creativity
3. Publishing Avenues
- Fred Bobola - "Publishing: What is the best option for me?"
- Nicola Italia - "Self Publishing & Perseverance"
2:45 pm - 15 minute break (don't forget to visit author tables)
3:00 pm: Author Panel 2 - CalArtians (Panel TBD)
3:45 pm - 15 minute break (don't forget to visit author tables)
4:00 pm: Presentations/Sessions
1. Poetry and Inspiration -. Readings and Q&A
- Chase Dimock - Environmental Poetry"
- Rick Lupert - "It’s Spritz O’Clock Somewhere"
2. Local Inspiration - Dan Schlund - Rocket Man
3. Book Covers - Juan Roberts - The Importance of Your Book Covers
4:45 pm: Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
5:00 pm: End of Day
Chrome Oxide will be selling copies of his not so recently released 28 Minutes Into The Future, a collection of his humorous science fiction and fantasy short stories as well as other publications.
He will also have a selection of other publications his work has appeared in and some music CDs he had a hand in recording.
CHROME OXIDE: WRITER COPYRIGHT NOTICE Materials may be freely copied and distributed subject to the inclusion of the copyright notice and our Web site address.
END OF DOCUMENT[Chrome Oxide: Music Collectors Page]
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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 06/08/2024 Copyright © 2024 by Chrome Oxide
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